SAR USA is the American branch of Sarsilmaz Silah Sanayi. The parent company was founded in 1880 in Istanbul, Turkey and has produced a variety of firearms and ammunition for export purposes. The company notably produces a number of semi-automatic pistols such as the striker fired SAR9 series and the CZ-75 derived P8 line of handguns. When it comes to ammunition, the company primarily offers handgun ammunition and shotgun ammunition. As far as handgun ammunition goes, the company produces 9mm Luger loadings. These 9mm Luger offerings are typically in the form of 124 grain FMJ loadings. These loadings can be purchased as individual boxes or in the form of 1,000 round cases. As far as shotgun shells go, SAR USA offers two 12 gauge offerings. These 12 gauge loadings come in the form of a 9 pellet 00 buckshot loading and a 27 pellet #4 buckshot loading. These offerings can be had in the form of individual boxes and in the form of 200 round case quantities. Shooters will appreciate the fact that the handgun loadings offered by SAR USA are reloadable and non-corrosive. At the end of the day, SAR USA provides shooters with affordable ammunition that won't break the bank and is well-suited for range usage.